Options Wooden Products Manufacturer is one of the leading professional companies in Vietnam specializing in producing and exporting wooden boxes products, wooden souvenirs, kitchenware, household utensils, driftwood products, bonsai woods and pet, bird products from coffeewood; other customized products with many different materials from imported high-quality wood such as Maple, Walnut, Beech, Oak, Ash, New Zealand Pine,… and domestic wood materials as cajuput wood and rubber wood. With the strength of being a direct manufacturer, Options commits that the product price is the best in Vietnam with high quality.

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Used for Vietnamese people who want to use our products with high-rank quality in the requested price or specialized designed for use.

Our Market and Customer

Wooden furniture industries make a substantial contribution to development in tropical countries, producing important economic benefits and playing a significant role in promoting economic growth. As wood-processing industries such as the wooden furniture sector develop, they create employment (which in turn expands the tax base in the country), generate a trained workforce, and contribute to the development of physical and institutional infrastructure. These industries also contribute to foreign exchange earnings and stimulate investment in a range of secondary support industries.

Options Wooden Products Manufacturer, Options Wooden Products Manufacturer, Options Wooden Products Manufacturer, Options Wooden Products Manufacturer, Options Wooden Products Manufacturer, 

Options Wooden Products Manufacturer

Handicraft production is a major form of employment in many developing countries and is often a significant part of the export economy. With increased globalization, however, products are becoming increasingly commoditized, with artisan producers facing increased competition from producers worldwide, particularly in China and other Asian countries. Hereunder are all of the markets that we are focussing on this period.

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Characteristics of Wood Types

Wood is a fibrous and porous structural tissue of wood trees and other woody plants. This organic material made from natural cellulose fibers is found in their roots and stems, growing upward to the tops of their canopy. The main physical characteristic of wood fibers is their strong tension that is created both by their natural strength and the way the fibers are embedded in a matrix that effectively resists compression. Wood plays an essential supporting role in a living tree – it enables all woody plants to have a strong structure on which they can grow and reach more sunlight than surrounding plant life, elevating their fruit from the easy reach of animals. Also, it conveys nutrients and water between the roots and canopy.

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